In today’s information age, the amount of data generated by industry has become staggeringly large. The Aarchon solution: underground storage. Numerous sites have been identified and developed by Aarchon’s underground specialists. These include caverns, salt domes, fracture lines, and lava tubes in some of the most remote locations on earth. Sites typically can store as much as 245 zettaunits of information. Archived data can be located and retrieved within 24 hours of a request. Therefore, when a producer decides to re-issue an artist’s work, content is just a phone call or e-mail away. In some locations, giant sluiceways channel data directly into the storage area, while other sites may employ forklifts or special handling to get data into its final storage space. Custom designed data storage tanks provide the ultimate in security and protection from the elements. Special titanium canisters are used at some of the more hazardous storage locations - e.g. geothermal vents, underground radium lakes, sulfuric acid spew tanks. Each site is manned by professionals that monitor for data leakage and report anomalies to Aarchon scientists and engineers. Small-scale leakage can be managed by janitorial services. To prevent wholesale data loss, copies are made and stored at alternate sites in case the unthinkable occurs: critical data mass resulting in an “e-explosion”. The site pictured here shows a storage chamber before data is positioned. To preserve the eons of natural geological development, rock formations will be dismantled and re-assembled in a designated climate controlled room. As the underground storage facility becomes filled with data, metallic struts are built around information storage units in order to re-stabilize the earth’s crust.

Offshore operations allow artists, engineers, and producers to achieve true isolation - both for artistic and legal purposes. In addition to inspirational scenery, offshore platforms offer artists a chance to leave encumbrances (paternity suits, groupies, hotel damages, etc.) on the mainland. Access to an offshore facility is provided by a fleet of luxury shuttle helicopters - an Aarchon artist or associate never has to wait longer than 15 minutes for a flight. Every site has all the amenities, including 24/7 seafood bar, shark tanks, water park, valet parking, and special massage suites. During rough weather, recording and production can continue as each site (using special hydraulics) can lower itself 200 feet beneath the surface. All of Aarchon’s offshore complexes can stay submerged for up to 14 days and when special submarine supply runs are available, production can continue under water indefinitely. Submerged platforms offer views of ocean life through both wall-o-glass viewing ports as well as state-of-the art video theaters. To protect against piracy on the open seas, spring-loaded traps and “shock-water” security features surround each facility. Some sites also deploy computer-controlled mines as an added precaution. As part of Aarchon’s dedication to the environment, all power for an offshore facility is provided by extracting oil directly from the seawater.

In a world economy with highly competitive markets, the need for expedient customer service, product delivery speed, customized content, and localization has never been greater. The Aarchon substation network addresses these needs and many, many more. The substation concept is the brainchild of Aarchon “Visionaters” (a group of dedicated individuals democratically appointed by Aarchon executives to peer into the future and guide Aarchon’s technology and product in response to foreseen changes in the artistic landscape). Responding to the future has been part of the Aarchon mission well into the past. Numerous substations have been built with many more on the drawing board. Current substation locations can be viewed on the Aarchon World Map. Each substation is self-contained and is staffed by a crew of substation managers whose purpose is to ensure smooth and efficient operation of the substation for marketing, production, and access to product for both artists and consumers. Eventually, Aarchon substations will be a presence in every nation in the world with one substation available for every 150 persons. This will provide an Aarchon substation within walking distance for every person on the earth. This means that any given person will have access to Aarchon services and products without relying on the burning of fossil fuels - another way that Aarchon is protecting the environment.

Hardened bunkers allow recording and production to continue even during nuclear holocaust. Shown here (left) is a bunker hidden beneath a river bed. Bunkers typically are placed 2400 feet below ground level with 200 feet of steel plates over the top of the facility. Bunkers are divided into “rooms” that vary in size from small studios to large auditorium-sized recording sound stages. Unlike standard recording studios, these bunkers offer residential areas for long-term use during natural or man-made disasters. Although the threat of nuclear winter is not as great as during the Cold War, artists and producers can develop content in these facilities with confidence, knowing that they will be protected during such a rare event - or, alternatively, from natural events such as seismic disturbances, eruptions, solar fireballs, asteroid collisions, or interplanetary invasion. In addition to creative operations, manufacturing plants (pictured below) can carry out projects to completion so that as humanity emerges from a mindbending catastrophe, Aarchon products are ready to distribute. This “only game in  

Aarchon is dedicated to delivering as much product to as many people as is absolutely possible under the laws of physics. This means that any individual that requires an Aarchon product can expect to have it in hand as soon as they conceive their need for it, with the only delay being the time it takes for Aarchon to receive payment. To facilitate this “think and pay” model, a vast system of standard rail lines has been built, criss-crossing multiple nations and time zones. The major lines of the Aarchon standard rail system can be seen on the Aarchon World Map. An entire pool of rail vehicles operates continuously to ensure that any Aarchon product is just minutes from its destination. Computerized rail scheduling algorithms ensure that duplication of product availability never occurs and that shortages are easily explained.

Aarchon transport of entertainment materials sets the standard for moving product to consumers. However, Aarchon has also developed an efficient mechanism for getting human resources to required destinations: The Aarchon High-Speed Monorail System. Although this system is in its infancy, the monorail system transports thousands of recording engineers, mixing specialists, mastering specialists, artists, executives, and others each day. Monorail trains travel at speeds of over 600 mph using a finely-balanced electromagnetic coil suspension system that allows passengers to perform job-related tasking while traveling since the ride is virtually like riding on air. Editing that latest vocal audio or tweaking the pitch of those pesky guitar tracks for your prima done lead guitarist can be done between stops in the studio cubicles provided on board each monorail train. With a minimum of commute time from anywhere in the Aarchon system, many Aarchon employees use the system to commute from their homes to “where the action is”.

As with Aarchon substations, design and architecture are based on blending in with the surroundings. Here, an Aarchon media center is built using “urban blight” theme. During working hours, the center is a hotbed of activity as mixing, mastering, and production occur inside the well-ventilated building with no one in the neighborhood being the wiser. Of course, the hand-painted “Aarchon Records” banner is a dead giveaway. Other architectural innovations include the unique Undersea Bubble, the Bering Strait Ice Palace, and the Train Wreck. Artists working in the Train Wreck can also experience the effects of an antigravity house as water appears to run uphill and captive animals in the petting zoo are unable to breed. Out on the wide open plains of the Midwest, Aarchon production sites mimic ancient burial grounds. Artists at Aarchon Niagara must not forget to wear their ponchos and hoods to avoid getting spray on their clothes or into their product. Future architectural wonders will include a facility floating on a lava lake and a studio hanging from a string over the Black Canyon of the Gunnison.

The success of Aarchon Records has allowed it to acquire vast areas of land in order to preserve it for future generations. This will allow visitors to enjoy the unspoiled and untamed wilderness until expansion of Aarchon facilities requires its use. Perhaps the largest of these areas can be found along the U.S.-Canadian border where millions of hectares of rainforest have been set aside (Aarchon World Map). For 7 months each year the rainforest is covered by over 230 feet of snow (pictured at left). Far to the north an additional protected area has become a habitat where alligators and polar bears live together harmoniously as they respect each others’ niche. Smaller protected areas not shown on the Aarchon World Map preserve historical and archaeological sites. One such archaeological site was recently converted from a protected cliff dwelling to an auditioning studio with an incredible view. Enough space was left over that a sorting station could be added where defective CDs can be culled from functional CDs so that they may be recycled into other valuable Aarchon product. All ancient building materials and artifacts from the site were shipped to an unused cliff to preserve their ancientness.

Aarchon Offshore

The Underground



town” concept routinely makes Aarchon executives and board members lose control of their drool. Should horrific events result in the near-extinction of mankind, survivors protected by the bunkers will be able repopulate the earth and access Aarchon products all at the same time. Anything produced by artists emerging from these hardened bunkers will be available immediately to other survivors using the Aarchon substation network. In the case of such an unspeakable cataclysm, survivors will not envy the dead since they will be able to occupy their minds and enjoy Aarchon products while re-establishing humanity as the dominant species on the surface. The fact that bunkers provide the ultimate in security their secret locations are not displayed on the Aarchon World Map.

Standard Rail


The Great Outdoors


When most people think of shipping, they think of products stored on ships, moving slowly across the water. Aarchon shipping carries this to an entirely new level. Moving large quantities of product from one continent to another across the open sea might take multiple trips. However, the massive scale of Aarchon shipping makes it possible to haul over three trillion units of product in one overseas trip using one of many mega-barges (pictured). Each mega-barge is so massive that crews have formed their own football league since each barge houses a domed stadium for athletic events of all types. Shown in the picture is a typical barge with four president heads from Mt. Rushmore superimposed to demonstrate just how big these barges are. When fully loaded, a barge displaces so much seawater that some low-lying areas of the world coastlines must be evacuated for the duration of the voyage. Once at sea, a barge can really perform as the huge ion-powered engines generate enough propulsive force to denude the entire seabed. Most Aarchon barges do not travel at speeds greater than 88 mph (except when necessary) since speeds higher than that generate destructive tsunami-like waves. Another example of Aarchon’s commitment to social responsibility.

People Movers

As an experiment in transportation technology, Aarchon engineers and developers have built the Trans-Gulf Causeway (TGC), a single-span monorail track from New Orleans to southern Florida (pictured). This engineering feat is unprecedented in scope and ambition. A similar single-span track connects mainland Mexico to Cabo Aarchon on the southernmost tip of Baja California. By building these as single-span suspended “bridges”, these marvels protect the underlying ocean since no part of the rail system ever touches the ground except at the beginning and the end of the span. Both spans can be seen on the Aarchon World Map. In order to support the arch, the center of the TGC arches some 7000 feet above the water level. Enough concrete was used for the land support structures to pave over the entire state of Alaska (if anyone were inclined to do so). A dedicated communication line keeps passengers and crew in constant communication with either end of the spans so that valuable time will not be lost waiting for artistic or business decisions concerning product.

Aarchon in Space

All of Aarchon’s earth-based facilities go well beyond those of the competition, but Aarchon’s Visionaters have moved beyond the boundaries of earth-based facilities and into the great void of outer space. Not only does Aarchon support numerous orbiting satellites (pictured top right)for transferring data and product, but a unique orbiting Aarchon city provides artists and personnel with an experience of a lifetime (pictured left). The flight path across the continental U.S. Is shown on the Aarchon World Map. This orbiting platform houses a miniature recording and performance based “city” with a culture and a full complement of self-contained facilities unrivalled in all of the music industry. Row after row of fully-equipped audio cubicles, upload and download stations, practice facilities, a music university, video development suites, an auditorium, a natatorium, and many other treats await those who are lucky enough to win the annual Aarchon Space Lottery. Over 100,000 Aarchon artists and employees enter each year in an effort to win one of 2850 coveted, year-long positions aboard the space station. Of course, space flight has its own down side such as loss of cabin pressure, oxygen flow stoppages, waste disposal, lack of gravity, food shortages, radiation, and others. Pictured below right, an Aarchon worker can easily adjust the air supply to the entire space station using a joystick.

The Joy of Aarchon Records

Reaction to the latest Aarchon release is mixed.

Held during the same week as the famous Woodstock festival, Aarchon’s Delaware MusicFest posed no threat.

Amenities for pampering artists include tattoo parlors (for getting, replacing, editing, and removing tattoos of all types)

For some, the lack of gravity aboard the Aarchon space station is just the ticket

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